Home > News > Activity news > Three-year workforce plan improvement training program and guideline for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of performance in order to propose annual prize money for local government organizations Fiscal Year 2023.
Three-year workforce plan improvement training program and guideline for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of performance in order to propose annual prize money for local government organizations Fiscal Year 2023.

admin bam
16 March 2023 14:55:40

Batch 2 @Khonkhaen‼️
‼️ 3-year workforce plan‼️
#Meet Aj. Piya Kangkan
Three-year workforce plan improvement  training program and guideline for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of performance in order to propose annual prize money for local government organizations Fiscal Year 2023.

More details click here https://lin.ee/gPxIyR3
Apply via
Facebook: SSRU Training Program
Online: https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40dxe8707e
E-mail: tte_ssru@hotmail.com
Fax: 02-160-1080
Tel. : 083-0775035, 083-0342336