9 June 2022, 13:00 hrs. – Dr. Kaenpetch Saranonthawat, Director of Bureau of Assets and Income and Ms. Narumon Chomchom, Deputy Director of Business Development and Cost Control attended the seminar on “Survival of University in the Digital Age” at Room 1212, College of Logistics and Supply Chain, SSRU Nakhonpathom Campus. The schedule were:
- Opening speech and special lecture on “Direction of Admission and Cooperation with Enterprises Creation” by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chutikarn Sriviboon, SSRU President
- Special lecture on “Policy and Strategy for University Development in the Digital Age” by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luedech Girdwichai, Chairman of SSRU Council
- Seminar panel on “Creating Network of Cooperation with External Units” by speakers panel:
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Vice Presidednt for Nakhonpathom Campus
Dean of College of Logistics and Supply Chain, and moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Witthaya Mekkhum, Vice President for Planning and Quality Assurance
#administratormeeting #bureauofassetsandincome #suansunandha #suansunandharajabhatuniversity #SSRU #digitalage #survivalofuniversityindigitalage
Photo & Report: Phanthakarn
Website: https://bam.ssru.ac.th/news/view/000625650079